Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dark Deeds

Dark Deeds
By John Trent

Ol’ Balaam has roamed in search of lost men
For millennia, his essence hides in plain sight
So listen and listen well, as he casts his evil
And devours our hearts both day and night

Humanity has worshiped and rose to his purpose
This fiendish devil of avarice and greed
We eternally grasp for what we cannot have
And acquire through the darkest of deeds

With rapacious desire, this sin of excess
Souls covered by self-indulgent scars
Each expectation, from a life of wanting
True happiness can never be ours

So on this eve, before you dream
Please kneel and whisper your prayer
And listen closely to the Almighty’s words
For we need nothing, whilst living in His care

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