Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Thirst

The Thirst
by John Trent

Heat grips this faithless arid land
Windless figments dance and rise
Always, ever out of reach,
The shimmering mirage gives hope
With each step,
My thirst grows stronger

Yet, I walk.
Walk this ever changing path of sand
The dunes shift and fall on currents of a powerful wind
Step by step……..
Knowing, I must find the spring of life

Every step,
I struggle,
Struggling more than the last!
Like undulating giants on the ancient sea floor
My obstacles gather and grow
………...And the eternal vastness
So very dry, this thirst consumes!

Should I take respite?
Should I succumb to the very essence of death?
I must not falter
For I must find His spring,
As the tracks of my past slowly fade
On this quest for everlasting life

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