Monday, January 17, 2011

Coffee Shop

Photo by J. Trent

Coffee Shop
by John Trent

Earthly aromas inhaled, then released
Vapors dance upon its obsidian surface
Settling into my meditative state
I sip contentment and stare into space

Bundled for cold, a young mother and child
Hurry past to catch the departing bus
As it pulls away, she lifts her babe
Turning, she enters, the warmth of this shop

Another slow taste of complex heat
I lose myself outside the frosted panes
Grey and cold, such a very busy world
And I return my gaze to my porcelain cup

Long and dark, his camel hair coat
Eyes downcast with a wrinkled brow
He pauses, then looks, at those inside
But returns to thought and continues to walk

From this corner, I remain anonymous
Watching, thinking, as people pass by
Thoughts waltz on humanity’s purpose
Then I close my eyes and take another sip

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