Saturday, January 8, 2011

Wet Cars

Wet Cars
by John Trent

So grey and dreary a light rain falls
A darkened sheen blankets the nearby road
Reflecting beams from each moving car
The wet tires hiss and fade as they pass

I stare through the glass
Sitting and watching in this parade of wet cars

What are their thoughts, what music do they play?
Are they angry or happy, do they need a change?
Are they trying to exist or make ends meet?
Are they sad and lonely or just thinking of the beach?

I stare through the pane
Sitting and watching in this caravan of wet cars

From this dry vantage I can see them all
The misty spray rises and returns to the road
Drab, yet bright, their colors blurred
The machines and passengers, their shadows unheard

I stare through the grey
Sitting and watching my thoughts go astray

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