Sunday, January 30, 2011


By John Trent

As I sat on my back porch yesterday evening, I could hear the ‘latest’ group of neighborhood children playing in the front yard.  Oh, the imagination and innocence, but most importantly, the continuous laughter…  It was magic! 

I have found that no matter where I am in the world and no matter what language is spoken, the laughter of children is spiritually uplifting.  This pure and simple act is the essence of childhood.
As adults we tend to dwell on our own preoccupations with responsibilities and anxieties, while forgetting how to live simply or .......'simply live'.  Many times I have passed a park or a school yard and heard the laughter of playing children, only to pause and reminisce over my own lost childhood and that of my own children.

Although we can no longer fit into our play clothes and return to those yourthful days, we can take comfort in the optimism and imagination of our world's children. 

I encourage each of you to rekindle the simplicity of childhood........ and laugh.  I promise….. it’s magic!!!!!

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