Sunday, May 22, 2011

Conversation With A Codependent

Conversation With A Codependent
by John Trent

I don’t understand!
Such confusion
And I continue to walk
What did she mean?
Her words hurt
I continue to walk
Now I must decide
So exasperated!
And I continue to walk
I just can’t take it!
I’m not going to take it!
I continue to walk
But my kids,
Who will they go with?
And I continue to walk
How will they take it?
Anxiety building
I continue to walk
I hate this existence!
Fear consumes
And I continue to walk
I need a change!
My mind is racing!
I continue to walk
Their too young
Tears build in the corner of my eyes
And I continue to walk
They won’t understand….
Mind slow to calm
I continue to walk
I know what I need to do.....
So torn inside
And I open the door
And say,
“Hey guys, daddy’s back`

This verse is based on my journal writings from about four years ago. Since that time, I have taken control of my life and am very happy. Codependency can manifest itself as substance abuse and/or psychological problems with relationships. With proper professional assistance, one can lead a normal and happy life.

Over the course of the last five years I have learned one very important and simple truth, and that is I am solely responsible for my own happiness. Love is a choice! Thanks for listening to my ramblings, God bless…. John

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