Saturday, May 14, 2011

We Are One

We Are One
by John Trent

The tapestry of God’s grand experiment
Woven of the same flesh and blood
Miracles of His righteous evolution
In His image we should be as one

We speak with different tongues
And painted with hues of skin
We each worship uniquely
And construct devotion from within

Our arguments hitherto be concluded
And we doubt each other’s faith
With such fragile human psyches,
Our emotions shall never rest

With learned walls of dissimilarity
The roots of hatred run deep
We watch with righteous indifference
As God’s children fight and bleed

Some spread their message of abhorrence
Some loathe their inconsistent truths
We have ravaged one another for millennia
While the horrors of war rage on

So, who is right or who is wrong
Does it truly make a difference?
In life's end, we must coexist
For in His image, He made us as one.

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