Sunday, May 22, 2011


by John Trent

Emptiness my desire,
Measured breath the key
With sandalwood ribbons,
Aromatic and free
Heavy my burden,
The toll from my day
I prepare for the journey,
As light fades to grey

Aromas of incense,
Smiling, I exhale
Lids lightly touch,
As blackness avails
My journey begins
A great vastness to explore
Thoughts start to clear
My mind opens the door

There is no beginning
At infinity’s end
The destination sought
Is eternally within
In silent existence
I travel the unseen
Today’s burden lost
Each moment, so serene

“The fragrance of virtue
Rises to the heavens”
With harmony of mind
I recite sutras of wisdom
As the Golden Lotus blooms
My being becomes whole
Forever, I remain
And eternal is my soul

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