Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Gift (commentary)

The Gift
by John Trent

Gratitude can be expressed in many ways. By giving thanks to friends and family for being , well, friends and family, or by waking up, taking our first breath, then expressing our gratitude to the Creator for being alive.

Last night I read this quote from Henry Ward Beecher, "The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!" This is so very, very true.

Inevitably, when we are down on ourselves, angry about our current situation, or ungrateful for our circumstance, life has a way to add more trials and tribulations. Our percieved reality becomes cluttered with obstacles only for us to fall and continue a slide into self imposed despair. Buddhist refer to this as Karma. Some might call it fate. I just call it life.

When we lose sight of what is most important ... God, family, and friends..... the most simple of all gifts, we sometimes forget to be grateful for all that we do have. So when we get lost in our own woes and desires, take pause, and remember what's really important. Most likely, it's already in you possession.

Many times, when I find myself consumed with frustration from the day's events, I take a minute to recite this simple prayer.

Almighty God, the source of life and strength, help me to create the story of my life as beautifully as created the universe. Help me to recover my faith in your truth and my silent voice of integrity. I ask that you manifest your love in every word I speak and action I take. For today, my heart and soul is filled with gratitude for this amazing gift of life and for the ability to create my own dream of heaven. Amen

I hope you find this helpful. Have a great day and be grateful for today.

** Note**
The above prayer is based on a similar version by don Miguel Ruiz from his book 'Prayers'. I have re-written the work to be more in line with my own beliefs.

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