Sunday, February 27, 2011

It Takes Courage (commentary)

It Takes Courage
by John Trent

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." ~ E. E Cummings

From the time we are born, we are molded and shaped into what our parents and/or care givers believe we should be. Our learned behaviors blossom into our ‘individual’ set of values and character; yet, we never really get to be who we truly are.

As I contemplated the E. E. Cummings quote, I was reminded of the trials and tribulations of a dear friend while in secondary school. Unlike the many, she was fearless. Unafraid to be her self, she faced constant ridicule from those who wanted to fit in or to be one of the so-called ‘popular’ kids. Though she didn’t wear the iconic clothing or footwear, she was proud of who she was. I always admired her courage.

Somewhere, deep inside, our true nature remains hidden. Afraid of being judged or fearing we won’t be accepted, adults pretend to be who they are not. Our jobs, our schools, our religions, all have expectations on how we should look or behave. Ultimately, many come to believe in this façade and pass through their earthly existence without ever knowing who they really were.

Several years ago, I asked myself, who am I? As I delved deep into my psyche I came to the realization that I was not who I thought I was. Yes, I was a husband, a son, a brother, a father and a co-worker, but my outside didn’t reflect my inside.

Through this journey of self-discovery, I found my true nature......the man and human being I am today; liberated from the conventional wisdom and expectations of others. Lao-tzu wrote, “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” So, I did. I let go. I stopped being afraid of being judged. I stopped being what everyone expected me to be. I learned how to live again and my dear friend, I found the courage to just be me and by the grace of God, I’m afforded a new beginning, each and every day.

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