Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Wisdom of Magnolia (commentary)

The Wisdom of Magnolia
by John Trent

Woke early this morning. Got up around 04:30am, came downstairs, got a cup of coffee, and was greeted with a giant smile from my beloved Magnolia Belle. I'm always amazed at how cheerful and happy she greets each day. She is truly an angel with four paws.

As with many of life's events and random thoughts, her smile and unconditional love gave cause to contemplate her beautiful spirit and essence. Without effort, she is very wise and an excellent teacher.

When most folks look at a bulldog, you often hear, "she's so ugly she's cute" or "wow, that a modern art masterpiece"! Though I vehemently disagree with these statements, I must admit these loving creatures have been 'engineered' by man to have features unlike any other dog. Short and stocky front legs, taller more muscular back legs, a thick v-shaped body, an abnormally big head with a mashed in face, large folds of skin, and big beautiful, expressive eyes.

However different, or unusual, she is beautiful. She is intelligent, curious, playful, extremely loyal, gassy, funny, and full of unconditional love. Always, and I mean always, she greets me in the mornings and after work with grateful and loving eyes. She is a very special being.

How many times in our lives have we passed judgement on others for the way they look? If we're honest, we do so every day. We even judge ourselves. Often, we allow our impressions to turn to prejudice because of appearence, brands of clothes, financial status, and race, without ever speaking or knowing the person. Unfortunately for us humans, it is a very difficult behavior to unlearn.

What we look like or what we have, really doesn't matter. What matters is how we treat ourselves and those around us. Like Magnolia, we must allow our unconditional love and true essence to radiate from our physical selves. Allow others to see our substance, not our clothes or how beautiful we think we might be. For in the end, beauty is only skin deep.

Because she is genuine in her nature, Magnolia looks past my imperfections. As a result, I am able to do the same with her. She is perfectly imperfect, a beautiful manifestation of and from God.....and so are you. So I ask you to consider this thought, stop focusing on the physical and look deep within. Focus on what really matters. Just be you..........

Hope each of you have an amazing day. Much love to all, John

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