Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Is As Happy Does (commentary)

Happy Is As Happy Does
By John Trent

Another early morning and the fog drapes heavy on the southern pine and live oak. Minute droplets gather and collect, only to fall, creating the sound of light rain throughout the wooded landscape. It is dark and I cannot see, yet, the vision of peace and serenity is ever-present. It is beautiful and I am happy.

While enjoying the solitude with my trusted friend Magnolia, quietly we sit, experiencing this amazing gift of life together. As I inhale the calming essence of the predawn darkness, my mind wanders and contemplates the day’s forthcoming chores and ‘to do’s’. With my thoughts quieting, this quote from Buddha ‘popped’ into my head. He wrote, “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

So very true, happiness never decreases when it is shared. As my beloved Magnolia makes me laugh and smile everyday, it is sincerely warming to the soul when I can do the same for a friend or stranger. So many times at work, I am asked, “How are you today?” I respond with the simple, “I woke up this morning and took a deep breath, it’s going to be great day!” and I truly believe it will be.

As humans, we have the ability to choose our emotional state. Granted, there are many who, justifiably, live in fear and are tormented by their circumstance. However, for those who are able to read this message, I must assume we are more fortunate than not. God grants us choice. Though not exempt from negativity, will still have a choice. How many times have you ever thought while at work, “Oh God, it’s only Monday.” It’s easy to do, but what if you thought and said…… “It’s going to be a great week”. At least your chances for a better week would improve.

As I contemplated Buddha’s words, I was reminded of how fortunate I am. Even though I might be tired, in pain, or emotionally drained, I am afforded a fresh start, a new beginning each and every day. With my past completed and the mystery of the future unfolding, I can start each morning by thanking God and smiling, a smile that I can share with someone else today.

So be a candle and share your ‘light’ of happiness with someone. Pass it on… who knows, maybe you’ll inspire someone to have a ‘great day!” Much love to all, John

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