Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Estelle (Le Moulin de la Galette)

by John Trent

A distracted glance, innocence in her smile
Glowing pink cheeks and rose colored lips
A lovely striped dress with a collar of lace
Her essence captured on a Parisian afternoon

Behind her perch is a festival of folly
Stationary dancers twirl to a silent melody
With laughter and chatter, ladies dresses flow
And the men, ever gentle, don proper attire

Elegant and graceful drapes her fragile arm
Her porcelain fingers, ever long and languid
She gently holds the rusted green bench
As her life and the music eternally plays on

Yet, my gaze returns, to her silent visage
With deep blue eyes and soft golden locks
Her smile, yes her subtle and wonderful smile
Forever captured in this portrait of time

**Inspired by Renoir's painting 'Le Moulin de la Galette'

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