Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's Time To Give Back (commentary)

It's Time To Give Back
by John Trent

As I sit in the darkness and safety of my back porch, I am free to experience the wonders of our maker and to do so comfortably. I am truly and deeply grateful for this beautiful gift.

Sydney J. Harris, an author and columnist once wrote in “When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"” As I pondered this quote, I was reminded of the freedoms and standards of living most American’s enjoy today and every day. So many of us take these gifts for granted never truly having experienced severe hardship. We are a culture of 'entitlement'.

Due to the current worldwide economic crisis and significant increases of food prices over the last several years, it is estimated that 925 million people or 13.6 percent of the estimated world population of 6.8 billion goes hungry every day. Another alarming fact is that as of 2008, the World Bank estimated that there were an estimated 1.35 billion poverty stricken people living in developing countries who live on $1.25 a day or less. I surmise we each spend at least $1.25 per hour even as we sleep.

So, the next time you hear a friend, co-worker exclaim, or the thought crosses our own minds, ‘Life is tough or hard’, always remember we are lucky. Each of us, and our children, are fortunate to live in this land of opportunity. We are fortunate to never feel the pain of poverty or hunger.

God bless America and those who have and continue to sacrifice so much to give it to us. Most certainly 'God has shed His grace on thee."

It's time we start giving back.......

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