Sunday, April 3, 2011

Experience God (commentary)

Experience God
by John Trent

The sun is shining and the winged-beings are performing an amazing song of glory as I type these words. It is truly another great day to be alive!!!!

“Let your mind start a journey thru a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be...Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before.” ~Erich Fromm

Through out my life, I have sought God through studies and intellect. I have researched and established many similarities in all the world's religions. There are so very many. But, in reality, I could have reached the truth faster if I would have allowed my thoughts, allowed myself, to be tied to my experiences; thus, opening my eyes to the miracles happening all around me.

The way we think is inherently dualistic. Our thought processes make infinite distinctions every day. Our minds create new connections between concepts assigning each thing we learn a meaning. This type of thinking limits our understanding of God; thus, we are left with thoughts that are not fully rational, quantitative, nor describable. Yet, many of us still believe. Why? Through experience our faith grows.

In many of the Eastern religions and philosophies, it is said one must ‘throw away the books’. They suggest we must study, but not to the point that emphasis on experience and prayer is lost. Once we learn to combine intellect with our direct experiences and free our meditative / prayer minds from conventional wisdom, then there will be no barrier to the wordless and faith-filled perception and essence of God.

So…. Today, close your books. Go outside and find a tree, then sit and contemplate the very essence of its miracle. From a seed to a mighty tree, it is unto itself a beautiful universe. Experience the gift for yourself. God bless and much love, John

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