Sunday, April 3, 2011

Setting Sail (commentary)

Setting Sail
by John Trent

It's a little cool and breezy with a light fog hanging through the pine. Spring has arrived quietly in our sleepy coastal community.

As usual, I'm sipping a bold expresso blend this morning and my trusted companion, Magnolia Belle, silently stares into the darkness. Content on just being and sharing herself moment to wonderful moment. She is truly an angel with four paws......

As I comtemplated the feathers of ghostly fog slowly meadering through the trees, my thoughts turned towards my ancestors who left thier known existence for the possibility of opportunity in the 'New World'. They had courage. The had hope and they had faith that God would provide. So they boarded these sailing vessels and accepted and sailed the vastness of uncertainty.

Thoroughout literature God is often represented by the ocean. Its depth is immeasurable, its power rules all who enter it. We seek to sail it with our knowledge of knots, direction, mathematics, and charts, yet its vastness is incomprehensible and our understanding limited.

In our youth, we have great ambitions about exploring both above and below the surface, while in the twilight of our years most have given in to its depths. In essence, life has shown us that there is no other alternative than to accept the ocean, drift its currents, and float from horizon to horizon. By accepting this 'current' we are sustained while those who forever seek more, find turmoil and strife.

Thus we should sail the mighty ocean without care, ride its currents without reservation and trust in the overwhelming power of God.

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