Sunday, April 3, 2011

I want more .... or do I? (commentary)

I want more .... or do I?
by John Trent

Ahhhh!!!!! It is a beautiful morning. A refreshing chill is in the air and sun, oh the glorious sun, warms my soul. As I contemplated the serenity of this early morn, the inspiration for this edition of Morning Coffee came to mind.

Hope this gives cause to ponder and, with much love to all, have an outstanding day.

In my most humble opinion, it seems most folks never tire of seeking new thrills. In some cases it even becomes an addiction. For many years, I was just such a person. I, like many, craved entertainment, and wanted newer, sharper, and more exciting experiences. It made me feel more alive. Frankly, this suggests that something was missing or I was bored with the life I have.

Over the past two years, my views have changed. Though I enjoy seeing and experiencing the mystery of everyday, I have come to regard reality as being projections of our own minds. Everything is truly subjective and relative.

To experience our true reality, we must learn to withdrawal from the crazyiness and extremes of the outside world. We must look within and then slowly peel away the layers of subjectivity where will find the core of objectivity; A sense of truth that absorbs rather than reflects. This essence or, as the ancients said, “the center” is where our minds cease to be addicted to the necessities of more and more stimulating realities. This is where we enter into a silence that feels perfect and whole. This is where we can pray and listen to our Creator

Like many, I still enjoy a good roller coaster or haunted house. The major difference, I don’t live for or crave that next experience…. I just enjoy it when it happens

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