Friday, April 15, 2011

The Eyes Have It! (commentary)

The Eyes Have It!
By John Trent

As I contemplated life in general this morning, I considered what makes us human. Besides a soul, free-will, and a mind, we have been given hands to teach us not to be selfish. Mouths to teach us to give thanks in word and song. A nose to help us to learn from our environment. And eyes to teach us to show compassion and sincerity. All parts of ourselves both give and receive.

The eyes of a dedicated and genuine person show an inner fortitude and charisma that the eyes of the ordinary do not. Biologically, we know that an eye is an eye, an organ; yet, the eyes have long been considered the windows to the soul.

To achieve similar depth of character, we must live according to our true natures, be true to our very essence. Each one of our senses is not simply an information-gathering faculty but is a channel of expression as well.

So, I suggest, we allow ourselves to be instruments of good and let people see each of us as we perceive ourselves. Be genuine in everything that you do.

May God bless each of you, John

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