Sunday, November 28, 2010


Photograph by J. Trent

By John Trent

Deep and dark his silent gaze
Portals to a childhood long since lost
His eyes ask for help never saying a word
The silence deafening my emotions stirred;

“I don't want to beg, please spare some change
I have no shoes and nowhere to live
My bed is the earth and my roof a tree
I am so hungry, I hope you see”

I hear his voice, it breaks my heart?
His eyes are panes of hope long lost
He cries out for help without one word
My eyes see his pleas, his silence is heard;

“I am hungry, sir, please spare some change
My hair is dirty from my pillow of sod
I’m really hungry, I beg and pray
With a peso or two, I can eat today”

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