Sunday, November 28, 2010

Second Chance

Photograph by J. Trent

Second Chance
by John Trent

I awaken from the turmoil
No respite from last night's slumber
My mind and soul still worn
From the fear and sadness I remember

Yet, this morning's sun is brilliant
Rising in a sky so vast and blue
Cold and crisp, a lovely morning
With it's hazy-silvery dew

Having been given my own choice
To greet this brand new world
I can choose to be pessimistic
Or let my love unfurl

To relive my past lost anger
Requires so much effort
Yet a sincere, simple, genuine smile
Provides all with warmth and comfort

So, “God, thank you”, I express
“For this wonderful and amazing day,
And for giving second chances
To walk and talk with you today”

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