Friday, November 19, 2010

We Held

Photographer Unknown

“We Held”
The story of The Battle of Outpost Harry
Korean War June 10th-18th, 1953
by John Trent

Faded photos of old ghostly memories
Young warriors posed with fear and hope
"Hold the post at all cost," their orders clear
Its significance forgotten over so many years

Preparing to keep Hell’s twisted landscape
Reposed they waited on death or life’s trials
Anticipation built as the broken returned
No time to mourn life’s impending fate

Silently through the dark rocky trenches
Lay twisted specters covered in dust
Their eyes empty, silenced with pain
Ravaged by instruments of destruction’s bliss

Sudden the roar! The enemy’s thunder!
The earthen fortress shook in the dark morn
Lightening flashed! The ground erupted!
Wounding the souls of those who remained

Amongst the dust and ruptured terrain
The enemy breached with no reverence for life
Waves of flesh advanced the steep ridge
Their sacrifice continued throughout the long night

Faded photos of old ghostly memories
Tested warriors posed with their steely eyes
"Hold the post at all cost," their orders clear
Its meaning lost over so many years

More alive than ever with battle-hardened souls
They defended their honor with fury unleashed
They hoped by day's light they would still be alive
Deafened by echoes of a warrior’s last cry

Implements of death rained heavy from above
Exploding, crushing, and ripping them apart!
Holding and bending, they were fighting their demons
For knowing each breath would forever be their last

Agony’s fate sounded screams of horror
Interlaced between each thunderous round
“I know I will die” were the thoughts of so many
Bloodied and tired, their hands grasped and fought

Dawn’s bright sun rose above war’s noise
The dust and smoke slowly settled into the past
Death’s morbid reality littered the scarred mount
An enemy vanquished on their blood-drenched soil

Over eight long nights this battle would rage
Hell’s fury delivered its wicked last blows
They refused to relinquish that lone piece of dirt
As they honored their duty and held till the end

This poem is in honor of my father Mack P. Trent, who fought and served in Korea in 1952-1953. He proudly fought with the 5th Regimental Combat Team and is a survivor of the “Battle for Outpost Harry”. The verse is based on discussions with my father and research based accounts and reports found on the Outpost Harry Survivors Association website. Decorated for his actions in combat, he is quiet and humble about his service to our country. He will always
be my hero.

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