Sunday, November 28, 2010


Photograph by J. Trent

By John Trent

Canopy of leaves, green shadows of gold
Cicadas and crickets chanting rituals of old
Heavy the air, sweet scent of decay
Mist of the morn waits the dawning day

Shadowy jungle, the olden road winds
Specters of stone wrapped in moss and bent vines
Centered in the plaza, so ancient and vast
Ruins return to the Great Maya's past

Hand-carved stone with angles sharp
The obsidian temple is distant and dark
Outlines of grandeur appear by K’in’s rays
The brilliance of spring’s equinox opens the gate

Chaacmol's drum echoes and thunders
Silent and strong stand the old Mayan warriors
The Serpent God lies on the stairway of stone
Feathers of white, his eyes distant and cold

Dawn blurs the boundaries of heaven and earth
Kulkulkan ablaze from his solar rebirth
As K'in soars skyward, the old serpent fades
The past is the present and forever replays

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