Friday, November 19, 2010

His Gift

Photo by J. Trent

His Gift
By John Trent

Oh, enchanted world of feathered timbers!
A spell of dreams,
Thou hast cast on me!
Whispering secrets with each breath you breathe
Lost incantations from nature’s ancient tongue

Oh, stay still my soul!
In captivated hush,
Each moment transcends thy earthly realm
Overwhelmed with joy, I sit in awe
As my hands reach upward to touch God’s shroud

Oh, celebrate with praise!
His angels dance upon thy shadowed floor
As life and death walk hand in hand
From thy decay, thy essence blooms
Spring smiles in bliss and eternal joy

Oh, this precious moment!
I have found my Heaven,
God’s secret shared with joy and grace
And Thy gift of dreams, such wonderful dreams
Thine hast cast upon my spirit

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