Sunday, November 28, 2010


by John Trent

With eyes wide open, great wonders I see
Ascending to heights on the dark blue realm
I ride feathered vapors, over and through
As unearthly realities come slow into view

Air’s chill rushes, then caresses my face
Gliding over vales and mountainous peaks
I touch waving fields in laughter’s bliss
As early morning dew reflects nature’s grace

On a stairway of sunbeams upward I climb
I wing o'er the moon, breaking earth's bonds
At the edge of the cosmos the universe I gaze
A tiny blue orb floating upon a shimmering haze

The silence of sound resonates through time
So serene and peaceful is her solitary path
Forever in harmony earth’s universal plan
While concealing the hate and struggles of man

My spirit returns from God's timeless realm
Life’s purpose embraces my transparent soul
A wish for peace, my heart doth make
I hope for mankind, then from sleep I wake

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