Sunday, November 28, 2010


Photo by J. Trent

By John Trent

A sinister beast inhabits my soul
Its tentacles sharp and buried deep
My mind imprisoned without escape
In anxious solitude I sit and weep

Fear his weapon grief my chain
Steely shackles of my own devise
I cry for help in silent anguish
Insidious laughter hastens my demise

Time grows short of a mind possessed
Its razor sharp grip rips my soul apart
My body shakes and wretches in sobs
With no means to cease my racing heart

The crescendo nears my destiny sealed
I wrestle the beast with dreaded purpose
Darker each moment of humanity’s fight
Slow my descent into the mire of madness

On light’s thread shines a glimmer of hope
Life’s last thrust with fear’s primal scream
My shackles leave deep and painful scars
As clarity unbinds this nightmarish dream

I climb the stairwell with the beast in chase
Hope replaces desperation’s sorrow
I run and climb my lungs afire
A tunnel of light I choose to follow

The beast wildly screams as its tentacles flail
Its piercing black eyes and evil sneer
My mind races to regain life’s reason
As hope of freedom steadily nears

Through past’s doorway lies sanity’s light
Reality slow to calm terror’s fear
My eyes adjust to a mirrored reflection
Of my unflinching gaze and evil sneer

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